Coweeta Signature Publications from the 1974 IBP and the 1980 CWT I to the present

Watershed 7 Clearcut and Natural Regeneration Experiment

Abbott, D.T. and Crossley Jr, D.A., 1982. Woody litter decomposition following clear-cutting. Ecology, 63(1), pp.35-42.

Boring, L.R., Monk, C.D. and Swank, W.T., 1981. Early regeneration of a clear-cut southern Appalachian forest. Ecology, 62(5), pp.1244-1253.

Elliott, K.J., Boring, L.R., Swank, W.T. and Haines, B.R., 1997. Successional changes in plant species diversity and composition after clearcutting a southern Appalachian watershed. Forest Ecology and Management, 92(1-3), pp.67-85.

Ellison, A.M., Bank, M.S., Clinton, B.D., Colburn, E.A., Elliott, K., Ford, C.R., Foster, D.R., Kloeppel, B.D., Knoepp, J.D., Lovett, G.M. and Mohan, J., 2005. Loss of foundation species: consequences for the structure and dynamics of forested ecosystems. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 3(9), pp.479-486.

Jackson, C.R., J.R. Webster, J.D. Knoepp, K.J. Elliott, R.E. Emanuel, P.V. Caldwell, and C.F. Miniat. 2018. Unexpected ecological advances made possible by long-term data: A Coweeta example. WIREs Water DOI: 10.1002/wat2.1273

Meyer, J.L. and Tate, C.M., 1983. The effects of watershed disturbance on dissolved organic carbon dynamics of a stream. Ecology, 64(1), pp.33-44.

Stone, M.K. and Wallace, J.B., 1998. Long-term recovery of a mountain stream from clear-cut logging: the effects of forest succession on benthic invertebrate community structure. Freshwater Biology, 39(1), pp.151-169.

Swank, WT, and JR Webster (eds.). 2014. Long-term response of a forest watershed ecosystem: clearcutting in the southern Appalachians. 247 pp. Oxford University Press, New York.

Swank, WT, and DA Crossley, Jr. 1988. Forest hydrology and ecology at Coweeta. Springer-Verlag, New York, New York.

Wallace, J.B., Webster, J.R. and Cuffney, T.F., 1982. Stream detritus dynamics: regulation by invertebrate consumers. Oecologia, 53(2), pp.197-200.

Webster, J.R. and Patten, B.C., 1979. Effects of watershed perturbation on stream potassium and calcium dynamics. Ecological monographs, 49(1), pp.51-72.

Forest Ecology

Beckage, B. and Clark, J.S., 2003. Seedling survival and growth of three forest tree species: the role of spatial heterogeneity. Ecology, 84(7), pp.1849-1861.

Beckage, B., Clark, J.S., Clinton, B.D. and Haines, B.L., 2000. A long-term study of tree seedling recruitment in southern Appalachian forests: the effects of canopy gaps and shrub understories. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 30(10), pp.1617-1631.

Clark, JS. 2010. Individuals and the variation needed for high species diversity in forest trees. Science 327:1129-1132.

Clark, JS, E Macklin, and L Wood. 1999. Stages and spatial scales of recruitment limitation in forests. Ecological Monographs 68(2):213-235.

Clark, J.S., Macklin, E. and Wood, L., 1998. Stages and spatial scales of recruitment limitation in southern Appalachian forests. Ecological monographs, 68(2), pp.213-235.

Elliott, K.J., Hendrick, R.L., Major, A.E., Vose, J.M. and Swank, W.T., 1999. Vegetation dynamics after a prescribed fire in the southern Appalachians. Forest Ecology and Management, 114(2-3), pp.199-213.

Elliott, K.J. and Swank, W.T., 2008. Long-term changes in forest composition and diversity following early logging (1919–1923) and the decline of American chestnut (Castanea dentata). Plant Ecology, 197(2), pp.155-172.

Ford, C.R., Hubbard, R.M., Kloeppel, B.D. and Vose, J.M., 2007. A comparison of sap flux-based evapotranspiration estimates with catchment-scale water balance. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 145(3-4), pp.176-185.

Ford, CR and JM Vose. 2007. Tsuga Canadensis (L.) Carr. Mortality will impact hydrologic process in Southern Appalachian forest ecosystems. Ecological Applications 17(4):1156-1167.

Fraterrigo, J.M., Balser, T.C. and Turner, M.G., 2006. Microbial community variation and its relationship with nitrogen mineralization in historically altered forests. Ecology, 87(3), pp.570-579.

Fraterrigo, JM, MG Turner, SM Pearson, and P Dixon. 2005. Effects of past land use on spatial heterogeneity of soil nutrients in southern Appalachian forests. Ecological Monographs 75(2):215-230.

HilleRisLambers,J, JS Clark, and B Beckage. 2002. Density dependent mortality and the latitudinal gradient in species diversity. Nature 417:732-735.

Hwang, T, LE Band, CF Miniat, CH Song, PV Bolstad, JM Vose, and JP Love. 2014. Divergent phenological response to hydroclimate variability in forested mountain watersheds. Global Change Biology 20(8):2580-2595.

Mitchell, CE, MG Turner, and SM Pearson. 2002. Effects of historical land use and forest patch size on myrmecochores and ant communities. Ecological Applications 12(5):1364-1377.

Nuckolls, A.E., Wurzburger, N., Ford, C.R., Hendrick, R.L., Vose, J.M. and Kloeppel, B.D., 2009. Hemlock declines rapidly with hemlock woolly adelgid infestation: impacts on the carbon cycle of southern Appalachian forests. Ecosystems, 12(2), pp.179-190.

Swank, W.T., Waide, J.B., Crossley, D.A. and Todd, R.L., 1981. Insect defoliation enhances nitrate export from forest ecosystems. Oecologia, 51(3), pp.297-299.

Wyckoff, P.H. and Clark, J.S., 2002. The relationship between growth and mortality for seven co-occurring tree species in the southern Appalachian Mountains. Journal of Ecology, 90(4), pp.604-615.

Stream Ecology

Benke, A.C. and Wallace, J.B., 1980. Trophic basis of production among net-spinning caddisflies in a southern Appalachian stream. Ecology, 61(1), pp.108-118.

CUFFNEY, T.F., WALLACE, J.B. and LUGTHART, G.J., 1990. Experimental evidence quantifying the role of benthic invertebrates in organic matter dynamics of headwater streams. Freshwater biology, 23(2), pp.281-299.

Hall Jr, R.O. and Meyer, J.L., 1998. The trophic significance of bacteria in a detritus-based stream food web. Ecology, 79(6), pp.1995-2012.

Harding, J.S., Benfield, E.F., Bolstad, P.V., Helfman, G.S. and Jones, E.B.D., 1998. Stream biodiversity: the ghost of land use past. Proceedings of the national academy of sciences, 95(25), pp.14843-14847.

Hill, J. and Grossman, G.D., 1993. An energetic model of microhabitat use for rainbow trout and rosyside dace. Ecology, 74(3), pp.685-698.

Huryn, AD and JB Wallace. 1987. Local geomorphology as a determinant of macrofaunal production in a mountain stream. Ecology 68(6):1932-1942.

Grossman, G.D., Ratajczak Jr, R.E., Crawford, M. and Freeman, M.C., 1998. Assemblage organization in stream fishes: effects of environmental variation and interspecific interactions. Ecological Monographs, 68(3), pp.395-420.

Lowe, R.L., Golladay, S.W. and Webster, J.R., 1986. Periphyton response to nutrient manipulation in streams draining clearcut and forested watersheds. Journal of the North American Benthological Society, 5(3), pp.221-229.

Meyer, J.L., Strayer, D.L., Wallace, J.B., Eggert, S.L., Helfman, G.S. and Leonard, N.E., 2007. The contribution of headwater streams to biodiversity in river networks1. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 43(1), pp.86-103.

Mulholland, P.J., Marzolf, E.R., Webster, J.R., Hart, D.R. and Hendricks, S.P., 1997. Evidence that hyporheic zones increase heterotrophic metabolism and phosphorus uptake in forest streams. Limnology and oceanography, 42(3), pp.443-451.

Peterson, B.J., Wollheim, W.M., Mulholland, P.J., Webster, J.R., Meyer, J.L., Tank, J.L., Martí, E., Bowden, W.B., Valett, H.M., Hershey, A.E. and McDowell, W.H., 2001. Control of nitrogen export from watersheds by headwater streams. Science, 292(5514), pp.86-90.

Pringle, C.M., Naiman, R.J., Bretschko, G., Karr, J.R., Oswood, M.W., Webster, J.R., Welcomme, R.L. and Winterbourn, M.J., 1988. Patch dynamics in lotic systems: the stream as a mosaic. Journal of the North American Benthological Society, 7(4), pp.503-524.

Sponseller, R.A., Benfield, E.F. and Valett, H.M., 2001. Relationships between land use, spatial scale and stream macroinvertebrate communities. Freshwater biology, 46(10), pp.1409-1424.

Sutherland, A.B., Meyer, J.L. and Gardiner, E.P., 2002. Effects of land cover on sediment regime and fish assemblage structure in four southern Appalachian streams. Freshwater Biology, 47(9), pp.1791-1805.

Wallace, JB, SL Eggert, JL Meyer, and JR Webster. 1999. Effects of resource limitation on a detrital based ecosystem. Ecological Monographs 69(4):409-442.

Wallace, J.B., Webster, J.R. and Meyer, J.L., 1995. Influence of log additions on physical and biotic characteristics of a mountain stream. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 52(10), pp.2120-2137.

Wallace, JB, JR Webster, and JL Meyer. 1995. Influence of log additions on physical and biotic characteristics of a mountain stream. Can. J. Fish. Aq. Sci. 52(10): 2120-2137.

Wallace, JB, NR Whiles, S Eggert, TF Cuffney, GJ Lugthart, and K Chung. 1995. Long term dynamics of coarse particulate organic matter in three Appalachian Mountain streams. J. North Amer. Benth. Soc. 14(2):217-232.

Wallace, J.B., Eggert, S.L., Meyer, J.L. and Webster, J.R., 1997. Multiple trophic levels of a forest stream linked to terrestrial litter inputs. Science, 277(5322), pp.102-104.

Wallace, J.B. and Webster, J.R., 1996. The role of macroinvertebrates in stream ecosystem function. Annual review of entomology, 41(1), pp.115-139.

Webster, J.R., Benfield, E.F., Ehrman, T.P., Schaeffer, M.A., Tank, J.L., Hutchens, J.J. and D’angelo, D.J., 1999. What happens to allochthonous material that falls into streams? A synthesis of new and published information from Coweeta. Freshwater Biology, 41(4), pp.687-705.

Hillslope-stream Interactions

Bolstad, P.V. and Swank, W.T., 1997. CUMULATIVE IMPACTS OF LANDUSE ON WATER QUALITY IN A SOUTHERN APPALACHIAN WATERSHED 1. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 33(3), pp.519-533.

Harding, JS, EF Benfield, PV Bolstad, GS Helfman, and EBD Jones III. 1998. Stream biodiversity: The ghost of land use past. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 95:14843-14847.

Hedman, CW, DH Van Lear, and WT Swank. 1996. In-stream large woody debris loading and riparian forest seral stage associations in the southern Appalachian mountains. Can. J. For. Res. 26:1218-1227.

Jones III, E.D., Helfman, G.S., Harper, J.O. and Bolstad, P.V., 1999. Effects of riparian forest removal on fish assemblages in southern Appalachian streams. Conservation biology, 13(6), pp.1454-1465.

Wallace, JB., JR Webster, and TF Cuffney. 1982. Stream detritus dynamics: regulation by invertebrate consumers. Oecologia 53:197-200.

Wallace, JB, SL Eggert, JL Meyer, and JR Webster. 1997. Multiple trophic levels of a forest stream linked to terrestrial litter inputs. Science 277:102-104.

Webster, JR, and BC Patten. 1979. Effects of watershed perturbation on stream potassium and calcium dynamics. Ecological Monographs 49:51-72.

Social and land use drivers of ecosystem change

Fraterrigo, J.M., Turner, M.G., Pearson, S.M. and Dixon, P., 2005. Effects of past land use on spatial heterogeneity of soil nutrients in southern Appalachian forests. Ecological Monographs, 75(2), pp.215-230.

Gragson, TL, and M Grove. 2006. Social science in the context of the Long Term Ecological Research Program. Society and Natural Resources 19(2):93-100.

Turner, M.G., Wear, D.N. and Flamm, R.O., 1996. Land ownership and land-cover change in the southern Appalachian highlands and the Olympic Peninsula. Ecological applications, 6(4), pp.1150-1172.

Vercoe,R, M Welch-Devine, R Hardy, J Demoss, S Bonney, K Allen, JP Brosius, D Charles, B Crawford, S Heisel, NHeynen, R de Jesús-Crespo, N.Nibbelink, L Parker, C. Pringle, A Shaw, L Van Sant. 2014. Acknowledging Trade-offs and Understanding Complexity: Exurbanization Issues in Macon County, North Carolina. Ecology and Society: A Journal of Integrative Science for Resilience and Sustainability 19(1):23

Wear, D.N., Turner, M.G. and Flamm, R.O., 1996. Ecosystem management with multiple owners: landscape dynamics in a southern Appalachian watershed. Ecological Applications, 6(4), pp.1173-1188.

Wear, D.N., Turner, M.G. and Naiman, R.J., 1998. Land cover along an urban–rural gradient: implications for water quality. Ecological Applications, 8(3), pp.619-630.

Wear, DN, and P. Bolstad. 1998. Land-use changes in southern Appalachian landscapes: spatial analysis and forecast evaluation. Ecosystems 1:575-594.

Wear, DN, MG Turner, and RO Flamm. 1996. Ecosystem management with multiple owners: landscape dynamics in a southern Appalachian watershed. Ecological Applications 6(4):1150-1172.

Cross-site and Cross-biome Syntheses

Provided in a separate bibliography

Recent (since 2010)

Clark JS, DM Bell, MH Hersh, and L Nichols. 2011. Climate change vulnerability of forest biodiversity: Climate and resource tracking of demographic rates. Global Change Biology 17:1834-49.

Clark, J.S., D. M Bell, M. Kwit, A. Powell, and K. Zhu. 2013. Dynamic inverse prediction and sensitivity analysis with high-dimensional responses: application to climate-change vulnerability of biodiversity. Journal of Biological, Environmental, and Agricultural Statistics 18:376-404.

Ford, C.R., Elliott, K.J., Clinton, B.D., Kloeppel, B.D. and Vose, J.M., 2012. Forest dynamics following eastern hemlock mortality in the southern Appalachians. Oikos, 121(4), pp.523-536.

Gustafson, S., N. Heynen, J.L. Rice, T. Gragson, J.M. Shepherd, and C. Strother. 2014. Megapolitan political ecology and urban metabolism in southern Appalachia. Professional Geographer 66(4):664-675.

Hwang, T., C Song, JM Vose, and LE Band. 2011a. Topography-mediated controls on local vegetation phenology estimated from MODIS vegetation index. Landscape Ecology 26(4):541-556.

Hwang, T., Band, L.E., Vose, J.M. and Tague, C. 2012. Ecosystem processes at the watershed scale: Hydrologic vegetation gradient as an indicator for lateral hydrologic connectivity of headwater catchments. Water Resources Research. 48. W06514. DOI:10.1029/2011WR011301.

Kirk, R.W., P.V. Bolstad, and S.M. Manson. 2012. Spatio-temporal trend analysis of long-term development patterns (1900-2030) in a Southern Appalachian county. Landscape and Urban Planning 104:47-58.

Novick, K.A., Oishi, A.C. and Miniat, C.F., 2016. Cold air drainage flows subsidize montane valley ecosystem productivity. Global change biology, 22(12), pp.4014-4027.

Nippgen, F., McGlynn, B.L., Emanuel, R.E. and Vose, J.M., 2016. Watershed memory at the Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory: The effect of past precipitation and storage on hydrologic response. Water Resources Research, 52(3), pp.1673-1695.

Oishi, A.C., Miniat, C.F., Novick, K.A., Brantley, S.T., Vose, J.M. and Walker, J.T., 2018. Warmer temperatures reduce net carbon uptake, but do not affect water use, in a mature southern Appalachian forest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 252, pp.269-282.

Price, K, CR Jackson, and AJ Parker. 2010. Variation of surficial soil hydraulic properties across land uses in the southern Blue Ridge Mountains. Journal of Hydrology 383:256-268.

Price K., C.R. Jackson, A.J. Parker, T. Reitan, J. Dowd, and M. Cyterski. 2011. Effects of watershed land use and geomorphology on stream low flows during severe drought conditions in the southern Blue Ridge Mountains, Georgia and North Carolina, USA. Water Resources Research 47, W02516, doi:10.1029/2010WR009340.

Warren, R.J. and L. Chick. 2013. Upward ant distribution shift corresponds with minimum, not maximum, temperature tolerance. Global Change Biology 19(7):2082-2088.

Webster, JR, K Morkeski, CA Wojculewski, BR Niederlehner, EF Benfield, and KJ Elliott. 2012. Effects of hemlock mortality on streams in the southern Appalachian Mountains. American Midland Naturalist 168:112-131.